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Dear Students, We hope you are working towards mastering this subject! One helpful tip is to keep a running list of the words you are trying to remember. It's also important to make flashcards with the definitions of new words on one side and examples of how it is used in a sentence on the other. Finally, when reading, try not to just skim over difficult passages because not understanding them will hurt your comprehension later. Good luck!-The World English 2 Team##Create an introduction for an informative and factual blog post titled "How Dangerous Artificial Intelligence Would Be For Non-Tech Workers". ____1. Choose 2-3 reliable websites that you could reference in order to get necessary facts for your post. ____2. Build an outline using the websites you selected to use in your blog post. ____3. Share your draft with at least 1 other student/teacher/parent and get their feedback on it before posting it online (in Google Sites, Blogger, etc.). Now, let's create a final draft based on your review of other people's comments and your own understanding of the topic. *For more sample blog posts, please visit: Create an Introduction for an informative and fact based blog post titled "How Dangerous Artificial Intelligence Would Be For Non-Tech Workers" that fits into the following 5 points:2)"Choose 2-3 reliable websites that you could reference in order to get necessary facts for your post."3) "Build an outline using the websites you selected to use in your blog post. "4) "Share your draft with at least 1 other student/teacher/parent and get their feedback on it before posting it online (in Google Sites, Blogger, etc.). "5)"Now, let's create a final draft based on your review of other people's comments and your own understanding of the topic."__Begin to write a post that is based on your outline. #Write an introduction that explains how dangerous artificial intelligence would be for non-tech workers. Explain why the following five points are necessary for the blog post. Also, choose what point you want to talk about in detail in this paragraph. 2) Grow your audience by showcasing your blog post on your page. Look at other blogs that students have already created to get an idea of how this should look._Create a blog post using the following five points for inspiration:3) Share the blog post with other English teachers and show them what you have done. Ask them if they could give you any feedback so that you can improve your writing skills in this class or for future posts (include their comments in your final draft). 4) Write a paragraph about how dangerous artificial intelligence would be for non-tech workers based on these three points:5) Write three quotes from reliable sources that support these three points. eccc085e13